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Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society lives up to its commitment to deliver top-notch products in a world-class environment. We have been awarded prestigious certifications and honours from different reputed organizations for our work. These certifications are for areas ranging from Quality Assurance to Food Safety and Hygiene across our stores.

HACCP Codex Alimentarius

The Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society’s head office and stores in Mina Center and Abu Dhabi Mall have received the CAC HACCPVER: 2003 – CODEX HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). These certifications have been issued to us as our Food Safety Management System is compliant with the requirements set out by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

The scope of the system includes our retailing operations; display and sale of dry, frozen, and chilled food products (including cheese counter, butchery, fish and seafood counter), other hot and cold food products, ice production, bakery products, fruits, and vegetables.

ISO 9001:2008

Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society’s head office at Mina Center and 9 stores have been ISO 9001:2008 certified. The certification recognizes the Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society’s compliance with the standards laid down by ISO 9001:2008. Our Quality Management System helps us consistently comply with delivering the best products and enhancing customer satisfaction.

The scope of the regulatory compliance includes management of retail outlets, warehouse maintenance activities, and purchasing of food, non-food, and electronics items.

ISO 22000:2005

The head office and store of the Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society at Mina Center and stores at Abu Dhabi Mall have received ISO 22000:2005 certification. It recognizes our Food Safety Management System that complies with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 22000:2005. The system incorporates the principles of HACCP developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rev 4-2003).

Our retail operations fall under the scope of compliance for display and sale of dry, frozen, and chilled food products (including cheese counter, butchery, fish, and seafood counter), other hot and cold, ice production, bakery products, fruits, and vegetables.

Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety & Health

Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society’s Mina Center office and store have been certified by Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority. The recognition has been conferred upon us as we meet all the requirements of the Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health Management System (AD OSHMS) and the Food Sector OSH MS Requirements Documents.